Conflict Resolution

Forest scene

My work in conflict resolution spans over four decades. It has led me to work in South Africa post-apartheid, in Liberia post-civil war and mediating between many stakeholders in the Lebanon.

In one of my favourite books: ‘The Uniting Power of Conflict’ the author Dr John E Hoover claims that conflict is not to be feared or avoided at all costs, but that it actually provides the ‘spark’ for unity, a chance to create something fresh and new beyond all imagination.

Mediation and conflict resolution is a truly creative process which involves, courage, honesty, humility and forgiveness.

There is a process, it does not happen automatically, a process which can be learned and mastered. I facilitate individuals and groups to reach a win-win outcome.

This process involves several skills, which include the ability to listen deeply to different points of views, to be willing to make concessions and the ability to let go of the past and commit to a fresh start for the greater good of a bigger context.

This bigger context rests on a common purpose which is created when we ask what is really wanted and needed. It brings people together in the quest for the well-being of our world.

Influencing governments and stakeholders

International conference delegatesInfluencing governments which leads to sustainable contracts.

Over the past few years my work has expanded to the area of ‘Water and Sanitation’ in the world’s poorest countries. This topic is current with governments all over the world.

Often banks with global reach and large funding packages are involved, as well as NGO’s and ethnic minority groups. It is vital to be able to bring everyone together and mediate between the different stakeholders, all of whom bring their own reality and history to the table.

Once concessions are made, common ground is found, a way forward is achieved, and agreements and contracts are signed.

Individual coaching

Kielder lake sceneSometimes it is necessary to have exclusive one-to-one time to heal deep hurts and set-backs, in order to create a clear vision. Time with me at my home in Kielder Forest brings long lasting peace-of-mind and a chance to ‘let go of’ what was previously ‘stuck’. Being in nature in a remote setting helps to remind us of the ever-changing cycle of life.

It is easier to accept reality in the face of such simplicity and natural beauty. We also need a witness to our journey at times, in order to let it become part of the past so we can move forward to become who we are truly meant to be.