Living Personal Mastery

A path build on inner values fit for the 21st century

What is your life all about? Why are these things happening to me? Do you ask yourself these questions? Most likely! It is important to answer them on a regular basis, as priorities shift.

Is my life about creating a significant career, a healthy family, a lot of money, freedom to follow my dream, being of service to others, creating a sustainable planet or long lasting happy-ness?

These goals are important to us, and yet we can get so attached to ‘having to achieve them’ and holding onto them once we’ve got them, that we can wait decades to be someone to be proud of, in the meantime becoming someone we do not really like!

You most likely find yourself wondering: Are they enough or is there more to Life? Will they serve me my entire life, my whole being, or do I need a different, more robust and stable platform; one that does not waiver with every large event that happens to me, one I can count on, one I can call my journey, my path. A path built on inner values, resilience, and faith.

If you want to explore which path is unfolding for you, in the midst of your current reality, then let’s do it together.

Creating your Life Purpose is part of such discernment. Why am I doing what I am doing? Who is in charge of the direction of my life?

I discovered several years ago that I want to love and to serve others in my life. That short statement has been my inner compass in every situation.

How can I love more and what can I bring now, and in every moment, to serve our people and our precious planet?

Practising Mindfulness

It is very important to find a still point inside from which we meet the world, as opposed to being pulled in all directions in the busy-ness of our daily life. We see mindless-ness all around us and often get caught up in it.

We find ourselves doing and saying things we regret. It is therefore vitally important to become aware and wake up from a deep sleep as G.I. Gurdjieff, the middle eastern mystic and teacher, speaks of.

He is not talking about the inert state of sleep, where we just lie there and don’t do any harm. He is talking about the waking sleep in which we act unconsciously and automatically causing others upset and harm.

As human beings, we have the unique capacity to override this sleep and become aware of the present moment, in our body, our thoughts and our emotions. We can wake up and live hear, now, every moment.

The trick is to remember, each time we go back to sleep; any times a day. Keeping your attention focused is a unique skill which can be learnt. It takes personal discipline to start and to continue this journey. The practise takes part in our daily life and continues to the end!