What if … we are all leaders … what could we create together?

I  invite you to make a change in our world with me today! Let me tell you Why and How:

We are at a watershed moment in history when the world is changing faster than ever before and it requires a new type of leader. Leaders who lead from the grassroots.

Satish Kumar talks about it like this:

“Together we will shift the consciousness on this planet, provided that the right conditions are met so that leadership qualities of courage, commitment and selfless service can grow.”  

A former monk and long-term peace activist, Satish Kumar has been quietly setting the Global Agenda for change for over 50 years. He was just nine when he left his family home to join the wandering Jains and 18 when he decided he could achieve more back in the world and working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality. In his early 20’s he embarked on an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage. Carrying no money and depending on the kindness and hospitality of strangers, he walked from India to America, via Moscow, London and Paris, to deliver a humble packet of ‘peace tea’ to the then leaders of the world’s four nuclear powers.

Today he brings this message to us all: “A leader is not a rare hero, not an ego-driven dictator, not a self conscious superstar or celebrity or indeed a power maniac manager, but a  humble host of humanity, a servant of the Earth and an ever vigilant conscience of the people. Such a leader is mindful of the process and purpose of life, with complete harmony between what is to be done and how it is to be done. True leadership is more about inspiration, facilitation and right action than about outcome, achievements and unrealistic targets.

We are all leaders because we can lead our own lives in the right direction. We can show that a simple, wholesome and equitable life can be joyful and good. Happiness flows from the kind of relationships we have with our families, with our communities and with the natural world. This is


The end of apartheid, the dismantling of the Berlin wall, the recent Arab spring, and many such transformations occurred in the history of humanity because millions of people took action at grassroots level and refused to accept the unjust order of the day to bring about the great transformation necessary for a just, sustainable and resilient future for our earth and her people.

So true leadership is to live and act with integrity, and without fear.

Leadership is an inner calling to lead ourselves and the world from subjugation to liberation, from falsehood to truth, from control to participation and from greed to gratitude. We can all be leaders, all we have to do is wake up, stand up, live and act.”


When I read Satish’s words, I am called to bring my contribution and our work into the world yet again in a bigger way. We truly are a movement, we really do provide a vital training towards this vision and we can pass this work forward. I want you to join me in inviting those you see being such a leader.

Be bold, invite them to the next trainings in London and Aachen Germany, which I will lead.

Together we make a difference in the evolution of our precious world.


Briggy Kiddle

5 Ways to Deal with Conflicts

Conflicts are bound to arise in our relationships from time to time. Very often, conflicts arise from simple mis-communication. At other times, conflicts are due to clashes of personalities.

Each of us deals with conflicts differently. There are at least 5 ways in which we can deal with conflicts, but not all of them lead to desirable outcomes. Can you identify which of these ways you predominantly use to resolve conflicts in your life?

  1. Avoidance – “It’s not a big problem. Why rock the boat?”
  2. Accommodation – “I’m willing to give up a lot to avoid conflicts.”
  3. Aggression – “I intend to win this conflict.”
  4. Compromise – “I’ll give in a little if you’re also giving in a little.”
  5. Problem Solving – ”If we discuss this honestly and openly, everyone can win.”

Not all of these styles are beneficial in the long run. The first three may avoid or delay conflicts, or kick the can down the road a little, but conflicts are not truly resolved. They may in fact fester and get worse later.

If you are using method 1 and 2, you may not be assertive enough and may in fact be treated like a doormat by others. If you prefer method 3, you may actually worsen the conflicts more often than not. Method 4 gives a satisfactory outcome but the best and most matured method is #5.

We all may use any one or all of the above methods to resolve conflicts in our life but there is usually one predominant style we used more often that the rest. So, can you recognize which is your predominant style in resolving conflicts?

If you are not using method 5, I think it is about time you give it a good try.